(352) 322-6305

Call For Free Quote

Please fill out the application in full. Here is some information about the positions that are available:”. GROUND MAN: DRAG CUTTINGS TO CHIPPER, RUN AND MAINTAIN CHIPPER AND CHIP TRUCK. EXCELLENT CLEAN UP AFTER JOB IS PARAMOUNT. ASSIST WITH ROPES AND RIGGING. USE CHAIN SAW TO CUT LIMBS TO SIZE. SAFETY GEAR REQUIRED ON ALL JOBS. Our employee check paying vendor will withhold your first weeks pay, thereafter you will be paid on Fridays. We can not advance or loan money, don’t ask. Raises and promotions: YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE 90 days after your start date/first day of work, provided you are on time, respectful of the other crew and customers and don’t break, lose or damage tools or equipment. We have more than 10 HD security cameras in place and a Tell-All Policy in place.
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