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Tree Service

Got Palms?

Tall palms require special equipment. We have it!
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Tree Service

Tree Pruning Done Right

Excessive pruning is not necessary, not healthy, and does not leave a pretty view. The poor live oak trees were butchered! And it’s too late ...
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tree service ocala
Tree Care

Trees…A Different Perspective

Do you ever think about how trees benefit our daily lives? It is worth your time to pause and reflect upon these things. Besides being ...
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Tree Service

Our Master Arborist

Meet Bob Rearick, our Master Arborist. Since 2015 Bob has been a loyal and dedicated team member. His dedication is apparent in every new hire ...
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Tree Care

Oh No – Mistletoe!

Now is the time for Spring Cleaning your trees, while we can still spot the parasitic mistletoe. If you have trees that look like this, ...
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Tree Service

Trees R Us

OK, we admit, we are tooting our own horn here, but we can’t help it! We want you to know that On Budget Tree Service ...
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