Here in Marion County, in the aftermath of a major storm, there is a great rush to “get this mess cleaned up.” But don’t be too hasty! Quick decisions, without professional consultation, can often result in damage to trees that could have been saved. Another issue to consider is safety, has there been damage to a tree that I can’t see? Having your trees assessed by a Tree Service Professional is the best way to assure your trees don’t have damage that will result in dead and falling branches later.
We know you want to save your trees, Ocala, and doing the right thing after trees have been damaged can make all the difference. The Arbor Day Foundation offers the following tips for home and property owners to follow after a storm:
Don’t try to do it all yourself. If large limbs are broken or hanging, or if overhead chainsaw work is needed, it’s a job for a professional arborist. They have the necessary equipment and knowledge needed.
Take safety precautions. Downed power lines and dangerous hanging branches are potential death traps! Stay away from any downed utility lines, low-voltage telephone, or cable lines and even fence wires can become electrically charged. Don’t go under broken limbs that are hanging or caught in other branches overhead. And, unless you really know how to use one, leave the chainsaw work to the professionals.
Arborists can help your damaged trees recover by removing small broken branches still attached to the tree. Removing the jagged remains of broken limbs is important after a storm. If done properly, it will minimize the risk of decay agents entering the wound. Large branches that are broken should be cut back to the trunk or a main limb by an arborist. f you are cutting the smaller branches yourself, be sure that you make clean cuts in the right places. Improper pruning can cause the tree to recover slower or even die.
Resist the urge to over prune. This is the time to consider health of the tree over good looks. The branches will grow back over time, and your tree will return to its natural beauty.
Don’t top your trees! Untrained individuals may urge you to cut back all of the branches, assuming that reducing the length of branches will help avoid breakage in future storms. This is incorrect, and a big mistake for the health and safety of your trees. Stubs put forth weaker growth, leading to a lot of weakly-attached branches that are even more at risk to break in severe weather.. Also, the tree needs its leaves to produce resources for new growth after the storm. Topping reduces the amount of foliage, and a topped tree that has already been storm is much more likely to die than to heal. At best, recovery will be slow and it will almost never regain its original beauty or shape.
If you have any questions or concerns, just call Tree-sa, at (352) 322-6305 and schedule a free yard inspection for you, and you can rest assured, everything will be done correctly to keep your trees healthy and safe for years to come!
Tree Care Tips courtesy of arborday.org.