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Storm Season Tips for Homeowners

April started the 2015 storm season off with a bang of a tornado affecting several Ocala neighborhoods. Oak Run was hard hit, as was Palm Cay and several homes along the 103rd St. Neighborhoods. We worked 7 days a week for 3 weeks to help homeowners get branches off roof tops and garages, clear driveways and sidewalks and access to their front doors! It was a feverish pace to keep up, but we were so happy to be able to help so many neighbors after this surprise event.

We worked 4 days at Pacifica Senior Living Center where several huge oaks had been completely uprooted and tumbled like dominos. Other old trees cracked in half and littered the hillside. Many broken and twisted limbs hung dangerously over the outside benches. The entire courtyard area was closed until we remedied the last of the storm damage and returned it back to a safe condition. I am sure the residents were glad to get back outside!

Once the majority of the storm damage was cleaned up we started urging our customers with larger tres to be mindful of the density of their tree canopies. It is so important to thin the canopy every several years to allow air to flow through rather than blow over these treasures we are entrusted to maintain. We are working diligently to help everyone who calls to take care to thin their trees. We also asses whether the canopy should be raised and if any power lines are in danger.

Before a storm hits is the best time for these assessments and processes to be completed. Please call for your free estimate and assessment of your tree’s health. (352) 322-6305 ~ Teresa

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